Main Services
If you have no idea what information should be put on the website, we can help you to think and write in both English and Chineses languages.
We shall also suggest you how to make your website most easily to be searched in Google and Yahoo.You may choose to select some free template from the Internet or you can play to buy according to your need and budget.
We can also provide you with Unique Artistic Design service with extra charge.As we are professional developers, we are familiar with latest developing tools (PHP, JAVA) and powerful database softwares (MySQL, Oracle).
We have rich experiences in developing from small to huge systems using open source or paid tools.We provide both web hosting and E-Mail service. Client can choose to use our webmail interface or use the GMail interface to send, receive and store E-mail under clinet's company domain name (i.e. Client does not need to worry about the loss of E-Mail even if client changes hosting service provider anytime. The full copy of the website will be given to client once the website is launched.
Website Implementation Service Fee
It may consist of pages "About Us", "Our Services", "Portfolio", "Contact Us" etc.
Number of pages: 4 , Fee: HK$ 980 , Additional page: HK$ 250 each
Online Shop Implementation Service Fee
You can add any number of products and checkout payment can be made by PayPal or Credit Cards.
Fee: HK$ 20000
Web Hosting Fee
Data Transfer Limit: Unlimited
Web Storage: 5 GB $75 Monthly
Web Content Management
If you want to change the content of your website anytime yourself, we can provide you with a tool looking like using MS Word to edit your content through any web browser. Extra one off charge is needed for that tools.
If you need to use the Web Content Management tools, we shall provide free training to teach you how to use it and how to handle images to make the website loads fastly.
Why Should You Choose Us?
We have passion for information and communications technology.
We make websites because they are what we love!
We always keep pace with the latest technology.
We want to promote the use of free and open source software.